Whether you’re a graphic designer or a computer-based visual artist, you’ll most likely be familiar with the feeling of loss and frustration when something wonderful you created is lost, or when it fails to save. Even if you did manage to save your data, it’s not necessarily safe. Data can be corrupted, lost, accidentally deleted or stolen. It’s therefore crucially important to back up your creative works, ensuring that you’re not going to be caught out by one of the digital issues that can be so damaging and upsetting for computer-based creative artists.

Why You Need to Backup Your Creative Works


One of the best parts of saving your data onto multiple platforms is the fact you’ll be able to access it in plenty of different ways. It means you’ll be able to work and edit on the go, working remotely without having to carry around a cumbersome external hard drive which is a hugely valuable object in your life that you’d rather not risk losing. If you happen to back up with the cloud, you’ll be able to access your work any time and any place, which makes you the king of remote working, taking the time to create art wherever you may be.


The same can be said for sharing your portfolio of creative work. For instance, you might be out having a drink when you get chatting to someone who’d be interested in hiring you to work freelance for them. If you’ve stored your works on the cloud as well as in a physical form, you’ll be able to call up your portfolio with the click of your fingers on your smartphone, laptop or tablet. It’s swift, easy and hugely practical for sharing your work, which often means securing more work.


The more copies of your data that you own, the more secure your inspirational works become. You’ll be able to learn a lot more about cloud-based security solutions via bytes.co.uk. Ultimately, spreading the areas in which you save your work, and therefore removing all your eggs from one basket, means that you’re far less likely to encounter that heart-wrenching feeling of having your work disappear into the abyss of the digital graveyard. Anyone who’s worked in digital media long enough knows exactly how that feels, and would go to great lengths to avoid repeating that feeling.


Digital data storage is not all to do with completed files that become your portfolio. Anyone who works with programs such as the Adobe Suite knows that it’s also the host of saved personalized features that makes your creative repertoire so rich and exciting. It might be your saved fonts or your preferred layering programs in designing creative visuals. Whatever it is, your collection of editing tools should also be backed up to save you creating, downloading or even being forced to purchase them all over again. Backing up means doubling down on your investment of time, money and energy.

These four tips should help persuade you that backing up your digital data is an important thing to do, saving you headaches down the line.

Republished by Imagincreation