If you’ve taken a look online you’ll have seen just how many blogs there are available to read. Some of them are excellent, some not so great, but all of them have one thing in common – someone wanted to create them. If you’re feeling the same but you want to ensure you get it right from the very start, here are some tips to help you.
Blog About Something You Enjoy
Whatever you want to write about, whether it’s the virtues of the Xbox 360 E hard drive or a trip to Tuscany that you want others to know about, make sure that you can sustain the blog subject. So if you’re choosing tech or travel, you need to enjoy that particular topic enough so that you can write about it on a weekly (at least) basis. If you’re not excited about what you’re writing about, it’s likely that your audience won’t be either, and that won’t get you the visitor numbers that you are hoping for (especially if you want to monetize your blog in some way).
You should also make sure that whatever you blog about can have a discussion around it. That’s not to say you should pick something that’s controversial or unpleasant, of course, but something that people want to have their say over. That way you can engage with your visitors and show that you are an expert.
Choose A Blogging Platform
If you want to blog you are going to need a platform to do it from, and that’s where you might come unstuck – there are just so many to choose from. Examples include WordPress (perhaps the most popular), Blogger, Weebly, Wix, and Squarespace. Some are more user-friendly than others but there is sure to be one that suits you so you should take a look at as many as you need to whilst searching for the one you want. What you want is something flexible and functional, and that also has a lot of tools at your disposal to turn your blog into exactly what you want it to be.
Pick A Domain Name
Your domain name is your web address, and it needs to be something catchy and memorable, as well as something that makes sense. You can use your name, or a shortened version of it, or it could be something to do with what you are blogging about. The key to choosing a good domain name is to choose something that is easy to remember and easy to share too. It should be short, ideally, although you may find that what you wanted initially has already been taken and you may need to use a longer version of the idea. Try not to use something that is similar to another, already established site. You don’t want people going to their site mistaking it for yours.
When you have everything set up as you want it, the next thing to do is to write your blog. Pick a topic you know something about and that you think would be interesting, and write around 500 words on it. Don’t worry about keywords and linking just yet – this can be done when you upload the blog. For now, just write something informative and sharable, and you’re going to find people want to read it.
Republished by Imagincreation