Through your own experience of going online, you will be familiar with what makes a good web design: easy to navigate, clear calls to action and most importantly, appropriate security measures. However, you may not be so sure about what makes a good blog; yet, a good blog can boost your business’s success and drive targeted traffic to it. The two go hand in hand and should work harmoniously to help reach your business goals and objectives.
So, what does make a blog good?
It is written for the reader
In the internet of things, there are blogs written for every subject and industry, but the ones that are successful write with the reader in mind. They know who their target audience are and write content that appeals to them; providing relevant quality content that offers the reader solutions, information, and entertainment.
Businesses tend to make the mistake of writing for the business which means that they miss out on a valuable opportunity to reach their target audience. While some customers may be interested in the intricacies of your business, the majority will want to see how your posts can benefit them personally and not just act as a tool of self-promotion.
It’s accessible
If the content on your blog is inaccessible to readers, it will never perform its best for your target audience. Your whole website needs to be responsive to the different devices that people use to access the internet, and be live with Smart Hosting; if your website is down because of technical issues, you will not only just lose custom but readers too as they lose trust in your brand.
Accessibility also refers to how you market your content. You need to make sure that it is geared up and appropriate for sharing on social media platforms and if possible, have the comments enabled. The more that your readers can interact and engage with you, the more they become loyal to your brand.
It is consistent
The voice that you adopt for your business’s blog should be consistent. This helps to establish your brand’s voice and foster customer loyalty. If you were reading a corporate law firm’s blog, you would expect a level of formality; if you were reading a blog about organic makeup, you would not expect overly technical posts. The message that you have defined in your mission statement should be the inspiration for the tone of voice you use.
Similar care to consistency needs to be applied to how often you post. It doesn’t matter if you post every day or just once a month, it just needs to be consistent. However, your dedication for consistent posting should not compromise the quality that you post. Google penalizes sites that have irrelevant and poor-quality content: be warned!
Blogs, when maintained to a high standard, are a valuable tool for every business. They give you the opportunity to create a lasting relationship with the reader and develop your brand reputation. Use metrics to guide the direction of your blog: the posts that attract the most readers, the posts that are shared the most and posts that have little response.
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