It is easy to find a capable web hosting service to use. With so many options on the market, finding the best hosting service your money can buy is a very direct process. However, finding one that suits your specific needs without spending a lot of money in the process can be a bit trickier. First, you need to understand your own hosting needs.
Linux vs. Windows Hosting
One of the first things you need to do when you are in the process of getting to know your hosting needs is to determine whether you need a Linux or Windows hosting. This can be done by simply looking at the kind of website you will be hosting.
Most CMS platforms and web applications today need Linux hosting. They use PHP and MySQL, so all you need to do is figure out the versions of these programs required by the CMS platform or web application. Most – if not all – Linux hosting supports PHP 5.x and the latest version of MySQL.
Other web applications use ASP.Net, MSSQL and other specialty programmes. For these apps, you will need a Windows hosting service plan. Similar to choosing a Linux hosting, be sure to check the required versions of each supporting software before beginning your search for the right plan to use.
Storage Space and Bandwidth
The next things to figure out is the amount of storage space and monthly data transfer you need. Take into considerations several factors, including:
- The size of the website itself
- The kind of files you will be hosting (i.e. large JPEG images, videos, etc.)
- The amount of traffic you expect to get
- The growth of the site itself
It is always best to start with a sufficient amount of disk space and bandwidth, but make sure you check for upgrade options before making a purchase. A hosting service that is easily upgradeable means you can start small and gradually upgrade your web hosting plan as your site grows.
Additional Features
Of course, having the right set of features will make running your site and managing the hosting account much easier to do. There are a number of great features you would want to have with your hosting service. First of all, Automatic Backup is a must.
Daily backup creation is the best way to go, but some cheaper hosting services offer weekly backups instead. With backups created automatically, you can revert to the latest backup should anything happen to your site.
One-Click Install is another handy feature to have. When setting up your site, you don’t have to do everything manually. Fill out a simple form and the script will handle all the hard work for you.
Last but certainly not least, a sufficient amount of email addresses, FTP accounts and even add-on domain names should be among the things you look for from a hosting service. If you use a cloud based service then you should pretty much have unlimited resources on this front.
Republished by Imagincreation