Generating addition cash from a website is a relatively easy process. As long as the site is full of quality content and can attract visitors, it may provide a residual flow of money every week. In fact, many people get into blogging and reseller hosting with the purpose of pulling in a few extra dollars.

This isn’t saying that the website can make anyone instantly rich. There are actually quite a few things that play into the success of any money-making campaign from the web. These include:

  • The amount of traffic the site receives every day.
  • The amount and quality of the content on the site’s pages.
  • The niche or industry of the website.
  • The type of method used to generate income.
  • The overall purpose of the site.

However, making money from a site can be quite easy once it gets established. From a reseller hosting program to ad sharing, there is great potential for generating income online.

5 Ways to Generate Additional Income from Your Website

Below are five of the most common, and often effective, ways to generate online revenue. While everyone will have a unique experience with these methods, there is no arguing how effective they can be with the right campaigns.

Method 1: Google Adsense

Putting Google Adsense on a website is one of the most easiest ways to generate revenue. It’s a simple system to implement and requires very little maintenance. This makes it one of the most popular methods for ad sharing on the Internet.

Adsense works like this: Ads are placed on the website. When someone clicks it to visit the advertising company, the website owner is paid. Once the site owner’s Google account reaches the $100 threshold, a payment is released.

Google provides the coding after a website owner customizes how the ad will appear. Things such as the links, color of the text and border can all be customized to fit the website’s aesthetics. This code can then be pasted into almost any location on the site, as long as it follows Google’s use agreement.

The only real downside to using Adsense is that it doesn’t generate a large amount of money per click. For example, a click in Adsense could give the site owner anywhere from a couple of cents to a couple of dollars. Because of this, it takes a great deal of traffic to a website to make a significant amount of money.

Method 2: Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs are nice because site owners will earn a portion of a sale that is referred from the website. These programs operate like this:

  • A website owner places a banner or link from an affiliate company on his or her website.
  • A visitor to the website clicks on it and visit’s the affiliate.
  • If the visitor buys something from the affiliate, the website owner makes a percentage of the sale.

Affiliate programs will often have guidelines the website owner follows, and some can be pretty strict. However, it’s another one of those platforms that can be installed and forgotten about while the site owner concentrates on creating quality content.

Some of the more popular affiliate programs include:

Method 3: Web Host Reseller Programs

Reseller programs allow a website owner to sell off portions of web space and bandwidth to other customers. These can be built around content management systems such as WordPress, client websites, promotional or just about anything else that fits the website owner’s needs.

In a reseller program, a site owner leases a specific amount of drive space and bandwidth to be sold off to other parties. Many of these types of programs allow unlimited accounts as long as the space and bandwidth used fall under what is leased.

So, a reseller program that gives 80GB of web space and 800GB of bandwidth can sell off 20 individual website accounts at 4GB space and 40GB bandwidth each.

These kinds of platforms work great for:

  • Professionals who market themselves as web developers for private firms.
  • Businesses who offer low-cost or temporary website solutions to clients.
  • Developers who want to build a series of websites for the sole purpose of selling them at a later date. Each site developed can be managed by the developer for a monthly fee or transferred to a third-party hosting account.

Method 4: eCommerce Site

Setting up eCommerce is a common element for many websites. From tangible retail goods to digital downloads, there are many things that can be sold through online store. It’s also a great idea for developing an actual business. In fact, some businesses have gone from selling a few used goods on its own site to operating a major chain from those sales.

A few reasons why eCommerce is so attractive many include:

  • The fact that eCommerce has lower overhead expenses compared to real-world stores.
  • The ability to sell to the entire world instead of a local market.
  • The idea that it can be operated from a basement or a spare bedroom in the home.

As long as a good supply of products is available and the owner markets the site well, eCommerce can provide a substantial income.

Method 5: Freelancing Services

Many professionals will offer their services form websites to clients around the globe. Writers, graphic designers and coding developers are some of the most common freelancers online. The best part is that the site can double as a resume or a sample of what the freelancer can offer.

A lot of people who have regular full-time jobs will offer their services as a freelance expert on the side. This can be a great way to bring in a few extra dollars while maintaining a regular paycheck. In some instances, the freelancing work may even supersede the pay from a normal job.

Like any other method mentioned above, advertising as a freelance professional requires a degree of marketing. Instead of a product, the freelancer is marketing him or herself as a brand. It all comes down to attracting those who need a specific skill or require a job to be completed.

In Conclusion:

Whether it’s a platform for a reseller hosting or simply showing ads from Google, making money from a site is easy. Even the smallest of blogs have potential to pay for their own domain names over time. Explore the potential of the above methods and get more out of the site. It may be more lucrative than originally thought.

Republished by Imagincreation